Faculty are trained in the Centre for Faculty Development and Management (CFDM) of the college established in the year 2007. The Centre trains the faculty in Outcome based teaching Writing Learning Outcomes, Bloom’s Taxonomy, preparation of assessments, evidence based teaching strategies, active learning techniques, and other pedagogical trainings along with technical trainings. As part of faculty development, in order to improve the quality of the teaching learning process, a new practice has been introduced for teachers reflection. Faculty are encouraged to reflect on their teaching for each class which actually is motivating them to improve further. Senior faculty mentor junior and new faculty. Classroom observation and student feedback are implemented for teaching evaluation.
In the year 2007, the college has established CFDM, a Center for Faculty Development and Management, which provides the necessary planning and training for strengthening the teaching and learning process in the colleges. This center is a unique feature in a private engineering college as such.
Regular workshops and training programs (FDP – Faculty Development Program) are conducted for the faculty to improve their teaching skills.
The college ISTE Faculty chapter in association with CFDM conducts regular training programs for faculty of the college.
CFDM undertakes the following programs for improvement of teaching capabilities among the faculty
☛ Orientation Programs for Fresh Recruits
☛ Micro teaching sessions
☛ Classroom Observations by senior faculty
☛ Training workshops on Outcome Based Teaching, active learning techniques, and other technical subjects
☛ Laboratories Practice workshops during semester breaks to strengthen the faculty in Labs
☛ Encourage the faculty to participate in FDPs and workshops conducted outside the college regularly
☛ Encourage and enable the faculty to pursue research by providing the required support form the institute.
Workshop on Teaching Problem solving Using C
Identifying the need for faculty training in teaching programming skills the right way, a workshop has been conducted for faculty on teaching problem solving using C from August 3rd to August 7th, 2023 in association with Education Society Chapter, IEEE Hyderabad Section. The event consisted of sessions on Problem Solving, Computational Thinking, Critical concepts in ‘C’, and practical Applications in C Programming. Dr. Chakravarthy Bhagavathi, Dr. Salman Abdul Moiz, and Dr. Naveen Nekuri from University of Hyderabad, Prof. Himayatullah Sharif, faculty at Udemy, were the resource persons for the workshop.
Experiences in Evaluation Model – A New Begining
Evaluation methods play a major role in improving the quality of teaching-learning. Most of the faculty conduct evaluations in a predefined evaluation model. Experimenting and improving the quality of evaluations is the need of the hour. Prof.L.Pratap Reddy, Emeritus Professor from JNTU Hyderabad shared his experience of experimenting with the evaluation model in a webinar conducted on 28th November 2023 in association with IEEE Education Society Hyderabad Chapter, and IUCEE Effective Teaching Learning Cluster. His address had a message for the audience that improving the quality of assessments is not a difficult job for the teacher and the students also appreciate that.
Teaching-Learning Awards
Three faculty of NMREC received Teaching-Learning awards at the eleventh international conference on transformations in engineering education (ICTIEE) – 2024 for their contributions to the teaching-learning center of the college. Dr.Reshmi Nair, Head, M&PS Department, and Dr.Satyabrata Sahoo from EEE Department received the teaching learning awards along with Mr.Sesha Srinivas from Mechanical Engineering Department who is currently coordinating the Teaching learning center of NMREC-CFDM, who received Teaching Learning Center Leadership Award.
International Engineering Educator Certifications
IIEECP – ‘IUCEE International Engineering Educator Certification Program’ (IIEECP) is designed to enable the participants to understand the principles of learner-centred teaching; to design or redesign a course and its elements, emphasizing learning outcomes; to develop different teaching and active learning strategies for implementation of these elements; to design formative and summative assessment tools and rubrics for outcomes assessment. The program is delivered in Five Modules, of three weeks each. At the end of the five modules (15 weeks), participants develop Teaching Portfolio and a one year plan of action for teaching / research and their professional development. Successful oral presentations of these will complete the certification process.
IIEECP was recognized in 2016, by IGIP (International Society for Engineering Pedagogy) Austria, a highly prestigious and respected organization in Europe. IGIP (http://www.igip.org) has more than 40 years tradition in contributing to engineering pedagogy. IGIP’s members and activists have contributed to making IGIP a leading global engineering association. More than 1,500 professionals all over the globe carry the title of “IGIP International Engineering Educator -Ing.Paed.IGIP”.
IIEECP Certified Faculty from NMREC
Dr. G. Bhoopal Rao, ECE | Mrs. M. Ambika, ECE | Dr. Satyabrata Sahoo, EEE | Mrs. S. Guru Jyothi, CSE | Dr. B. Bala Narasaiah, AI&ML |
Dr. Amit Kumar Sahu, ECE | Mr. Prabhakar. J., ECE | Mr. V. Vijaya Kumar, EEE | Mr. D. Hemanth Kumar, CSE | D. Praneeth, AI&ML |
Mr. K. Naveen Kumar, ECE | Mr. P. Surendranath, ECE | Mr. K. Ramulu, EEE | Mr.K.Shiva Prasad, CSE | Dr. S. Karunakar, Physics |
Mr. Sikender Ali Khan, ECE | Mr. Chinnam Mahesh, ECE | Mrs. T. Lavanya, EEE | Mr. Kalyan Chatterjee, CSE | Mrs. Julie Rao, Mathematics |
Mr. C. Srinivas, ECE | Mr. Jaya Krishna P., ECE | Mr. T. Sudarshana Rao, EEE | Mr. B. Srinivas, CSE | Dr. K. Kavitha, Physics |
Mrs. S. Alivelu Mangamma, ECE | Mrs. Kalpana Bai, ECE | Mrs. B. Sushma, EEE | Mr. S. Ramachandra Reddy, Head, AI&DS | Mr. Bangari Babu, Physics |
Mrs. B. Hoglah Leena, ECE | Dr. N. Lavanya, EEE | Dr. Raman Kumar, CSE | Dr. V. Ajitha, AI&ML | Mrs. Rajani, Chemistry |
Mrs. Mamatha, Mathematics | Mr. Ashok T, Physics | Mrs. Uzma Nausheen, Head, English |
IIEECP Certified NMREC faculty carry the “Ing.Paed.IGIP” title
Dr. M. N. V. Ramesh, Principal, NMREC | Dr. Shaik Magbul Hussain, Mechanical Engineering | Mrs. A. Usha Shree, ECE | Mrs. V. Sirisha, CSE |
Mr. N. Sesha Srinivas, Mechanical Engineering | Mr. P. Mohammad Muneer, Mechanical Engineering | Mr. G.D.Siva Jagan, ECE | Mrs. N. Ramya, CSE |
Mr. P. Ramnath Reddy, Mechanical Engineering | Dr. Kalyan Kasturi, ECE | Dr. M. Raju, Head, CSE | Mrs. P. S. Harsha, Civil Engineering |
Dr.N. Sujan Rao, Mechanical Engineering | Dr. M. Senthil Kumar, ECE | Mrs. Malathi, CSE | Dr. Reshmi Nair, Head, M&PS |
Mrs.T.Rajani, Head, ECE |

IUCEE Phase – I Workshop IUCEE sponsored IIECP Phase-I, a one-week workshop on effective teaching by Dr. Claire Komievs, Ph.D Full bright-Nehru senior scholar was conducted from 30th Sep 2019 to 4th Oct 2019.The session was started with webinar by Krishna vedula who gave a brief introduction on the course. Later the session was carried out by Dr.Claire on students learning and employability needs, analyzing the instructional process and harnessing technology for classroom instruction. Afternoon session was on creating a course website on canvas.
Day 2 session started with review on course learning objectives where our faculty have actively participated. The speaker have continued with effective lecture delivery and hands on session on active learning and collaborative learning
Day 3 session was on Fundamentals of assessments, designing the good questions and creating rubrics. Later on next 3 days the session was on course level projects.
CFDM News Letter June 2021