Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad has launched a University wide Innovation and R&D initiative JNTUH Innovation Hub (J-Hub), from the academic year 2017-18. NMREC is one of the few colleges connected to J-HUB. As part of J-HUB, the college established J-LAB.
J-LAB at NMREC is intended to provide a platform for the undergraduate students to pursue critical thinking, leadership innovation and teamwork skills. The initiative will impact the quality, confidence and competitiveness of the students and prepare them to acquire expanded set of skills, competencies and flexibilities required for the 21st century.
J-HUB organises training programs for the faculty and students. It includes Ignite, Ideation, Excite and Accelerator programs for the First, Second, Third and Final year students, respectively. Students who participated in Intra College and Inter College technical competitions will be nominated for these training sessions.
Apart from the student training programs, J-HUB is also conducting various training/workshop sessions on modern technologies for the faculty of J-HUB connected colleges. Many of our faculty members attended these training sessions.
NMREC JLab is organizing an ideation workshop “Samasya 2019” on 30th October 2019 to promote ideas related to Engineering solutions for community based problems.Students in and around are invited to present ideas in the form of posters or prototypes.
To bring out the innovative ideas from engineering college students, a 36 hrs, Hackathon-2019 was organized at Nalla Malla Reddy Engineering College. This event aimed at encouraging the young students from various engineering backgrounds to think and build a model on the theme “Agri-Tech and Water Conservation”. These models may also solve many problems encountered in agriculture and water conservation. For this mega model building event, about 500 students from various engineering colleges participated. The participants built their models in 36 hours and gave demos to the judges from the industry.